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How to Install and Configure the Android Debug Bridge tool


How to Install and Configure Android Debug Bridge

Hello dear visitor to Valley4Techs blog, Perhaps this is the first time that you see the concept of ADB program, in this article we will review with you what is ADB program? What are its benefits? And how can we benefit from it as Android users!

Regarding the definition of the ADB tool?

It is a powerful and qualitative tool that enables you to do many things, most notably moving and pulling records, installing and uninstalling applications, even with it you can “root” the Android device and place a custom ROM, as well as create a backup process for everything related to the phone from A to Z, and It is also very useful when your Android device is not working as it should or when things are too messy and unfit for normal use.

And dealing with this program through a set of commands and is the subject of our article for today, but before dealing with these commands let us explain more what is ADB.

This program is dealt with the Android device side by side with the computer, specifically with the Command Prompt window, and at first glance you will find its set of commands frightening and complicated, but when you want to go into the details of the program, you will make sure that it is very useful.

Through this program, you can fully control the Android system by connecting the phone with the computer via a USB connection.

In detail, the ADB program is an acronym for the Android Debug Bridge, and this program comes within the Android Application Development Package known as the SDK.

How to install ADB tool

After briefly mentioning these details, but more comprehensively we come to the program’s working ideology, where the first thing you do is to install the ADB program on your computer, and fortunately, unlike previous versions of the development packages, you will not need to fully install the SDK.

Simply you will have to download a zip file, which is an ADB program, separately, and you can download it with a direct link by clicking here, after that you have to unzip and install it in the main Partition Drive C, so here we have finished installing the programs.

How to run ADB tool

Now, open the command prompt on your computer by pressing the Windows logo button + the letter R button on the keyboard, the Run screen will open, type CMD in it and then press the Enter button, or through the search box on the taskbar, type in it CMD and press Enter.

After opening the command prompt, you should type the following command without commas: “cd c:\adb” This command will open the ADB program, we have not finished the preparation process, you should now go to your Android device and connect it to your computer with a USB connection, but in the beginning you have to activate the options Developers for your Android device.

Then you can proceed with testing the commands below, as we indicated to you earlier that this tool is dealt with by means of commands.

Top 10 commands in the ADB tool that an Android user can take advantage of this tool.

1- Start or stop ADB server command:

Obviously, the first thing you should know is how to start and stop the ADB server and this of course will allow you to interact with your connected Android device.

To start the ADB server, use the command below:

adb start-server

Once you are done with your work, you can use the following command to stop the ADB server:

adb kill-server

2- List of connected Android devices:

This is one of the most popular commands, when connecting the phone to a computer, use this command to check if the connected device can be found:

adb devices

If your device is properly connected to your system, the command will scan the system and list all connected Android drives for you.

3- Knowing the status of the device:

Just like the previous sentence, you can use the following command to know the status of the device, and when the command is executed, it indicates whether the state of your device is in offline mode, or in the boot mode, and here is the command:

adb get-state

4- Get the device serial number:

The following command lets you know the serial number of the connected device, or you can go to phone settings, then about phone, then status.

adb get-serialno

5- Copy files from computer to phone:

If you want to copy any file from your computer to your Android phone, using the ADB program, you can do so with ease, but note that you have to type the source of the file and the destination via the following command:

adb push "Source" "Destination"

Example of source and destination, just like this command:

adb push "D:\GOT\S001\E001.mp4" "/sdcard/Downloads/Video"

6- Copy files from phone to computer:

Just like the previous process or command, but against the direction of execution:

adb pull "Source" "Destination"

Example of source and destination, just like this command:

adb pull "/sdcard/Downloads/E001.mp4" "D:\GOT\S001" 

7- Install or uninstall applications:

Besides transferring files back and forth, you can also install APK files, all you have to do to install an app is specify the full path of the APK file and write it as in the following command:

adb install  "c:\my apk apps\chat apps\example.apk"

If you have multiple connected devices, and you want to install the APK file on only one device, use the command to know the previous serial number and type the following command:

adb -s a3b09a6e install  "c:\my apk apps\chat apps\example.apk"

In case you want to uninstall any application, just type the command below and don’t forget the name of the file or package.

adb uninstall example.apk

8- Android device backup:

The following command through which you will be able to backup all files and data of your phone, note when writing the command and confirming it, you will be asked to confirm on your Android device to create a file for this copy after that:

adb backup-all

9- Restore a backup:

Here you have to type the following command below, and don’t forget to replace the path with the actual path:

adb restore "my phones backup/samsung/backup.abd"

10- Restart the phone in recovery mode:

The recovery mode helps you to repair or factory reset your Android device using the tools included in it, noting that you can access this mode in the traditional way by pressing one time on the power button and the volume up or down button, and if you like the command style, this will be via the following command:

adb reboot-recovery

Finally, there are many other commands, and I liked not to mention them because they are a bit complicated or rather specific to developers, and there is no doubt that the developers are aware of them as their work.

In addition to some other commands for general users, we did not address them because they are already available in an easier and simpler way for the user, such as taking a screenshot, for example, or recording the phone screen, and other topics.

At the end of this article, we hope that we have added new and useful information to you, and in case you have any inquiries, do not hesitate to mention them to us in the comments and we will communicate with you and answer your inquiries.
Mostafa Amaan
Mostafa Amaan
Technical educational content creator on my blog and YouTube channel. My goal with this content is to eradicate information technology literacy.